In 2010, 美国环境保护署(EPA)制定了一项全面计划,以恢复切萨皮克湾和溪流的清洁水, rivers, and creeks that are within its watershed. This plan is the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), often referred to as a pollution diet for the region. TMDL制定了一系列需要采取的措施,以便到2025年为整个流域恢复健康的水系统. 环境保护署与切萨皮克湾项目(CBP)合作,在切萨皮克湾的每个辖区内规划和执行工作,以实现这些目标, outlined by each jurisdiction in their Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs). The WIPs are part of an accountability framework, 详细说明将采取哪些行动,以达到2025年最后期限之前预期的里程碑.
In 2018, 十大赌博正规老平台区的保护创新中心(CIC)与EPA签署了一项为期6年的合作协议,为CBP提供地理空间支持,为切萨皮克湾TMDL的管理提供信息. 该协议概述了四个目标,突出了整个地区能力建设的重点领域, which CIC along with our partners are uniquely suited to fulfill. These objectives, while inherently distinct, 协调工作,加强整个切萨皮克湾流域的精确保护和恢复工作. During the six-year period, CIC和我们的合作伙伴将制作数据集和框架,这些数据集和框架将广泛和免费地提供给整个流域的所有CBP合作伙伴和从业者,用于恢复和保护规划和实施.
Objective Overviews
Developing 1-meter Land Cover & Land Use Datasets
The CIC, 与佛蒙特大学空间分析实验室(UVM SAL)和CBP合作, 正在为切萨皮克湾流域制作高分辨率的土地覆盖和土地利用地图. 这些数据将用于描述土地利用和土地覆盖变化,并为实现2025年总最大日负荷(TMDL)目标的最佳管理实践提供信息. These products are 1-meter resolution, 与传统的30米分辨率的土地覆盖数据相比,提供了更多关于景观的细节和信息. 这些数据是基于NAIP图像的2013/2014年的数据,将在数据可用时生成2017/2018年和2021/2022年的数据.
Additional resources:
Project Contact: Katie Walker, Geospatial Project Manager | [email protected] | 443-345-5985
Delineating Stream Channels & Ditches
The CIC, in collaboration with Dr. Matthew Baker at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), 重新定义河道和其他水文特征的绘制方式吗. Leveraging recent advances in geomorphology and computer vision, 高分辨率激光雷达地形数据将用于提取详细和准确的河流通道网络, roadside and agricultural ditches, and estimates of channel characteristics. 这些数据将告诉合作伙伴水是如何在整个景观中流动的,以及在哪里可以找到最佳的管理措施,以减少进入海湾支流的营养物质和沉积物负荷.
Project Contact: David Saavedra, Geospatial Technical Lead | [email protected] | (443) 345 – 5976
Mapping & Tracking Best Management Practices
The CIC, with Drexel’s Academy of Natural Sciences and Chesapeake Commons, is utilizing high-resolution datasets and modeling to develop a data-driven, dynamic blueprint for conservation strategies in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 这些信息将帮助地方政府和从业者了解他们所在地区存在的修复机会, 确定将帮助他们实现流域实施计划(WIP)目标的一整套实践, 并跟踪这些做法的实施情况,以简化报告过程. Ultimately, 该空间跟踪系统将提供工具,帮助海湾管辖区制定和跟踪恢复里程碑计划, account for all BMP activities in their geographies, and identify project opportunities within priority watersheds.
Additional resources:
Project Contact: Louis Keddell, Geospatial Project Manager | [email protected] | (443) 482 – 9016
Synthesizing Geospatial Data & Partnerships
CIC将为切萨皮克湾项目提供地理空间规划和支持,以创建一个全面的计划和结构,使CBP合作伙伴能够在六年的合作协议期间将地理空间数据整合到管理工作中. CIC staff will work closely with CBP to strategize, plan, implement, 并提供世界级的地理空间信息,以帮助CBP的建模, web mapping, and data visualization efforts. 数据和分析将由CBP托管,供整个流域的合作伙伴和从业者使用. 地理空间数据的结构将受到现有的海湾GIS工作的影响, such as the Chesapeake Conservation Atlas from the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership (CCP) and CBP’s Cross-Goal Implementation Team (GIT) Mapping Group. State, county, 当地市政当局和其他合作伙伴可以利用这些数据为规划和政策提供信息,并确定整个流域可行的恢复和保护措施.
Additional Resources:
Project Contact: Jake Leizear, Senior Geospatial Analyst | [email protected] | (443) 261 – 2372
Chesapeake Bay Program Status and Review Applications
Land Cover Production Schedule and Hydrography Status
土地覆盖草案(2017/2018)生产进度和水文状况的Web查看器. Subject to change.
Planimetric Vintages
从海湾流域各市收集的平面测量年份专题地图, to aid in creation of the Land Cover and Land Use data.
Land Cover Data Review
Web application for reviewing the 2017/2018 draft land cover products. Password Protected.